How to survive Jury Duty (as a knitter).

Tonight while at Sit’n Knit at Westport Yarns, Laura got a rude awakening. She was explaining that she had jury duty and was going to knit. Unrehearsed and practically in unison we all shouted, you can’t knit.

She was momentarily stunned. So much so that we had to repeat ourselves. She then proceeded to ask questions to try and figure what she could bring in. Needlepoint? Embroidery? Knitting on circular needles? To each question we answered emphatically no! No needles of any kind.

This came as a devastating blow. (As it did to each of us when we learned this ugly truth.) What would she do?! Yes, of course she could read, but the knitting time lost was almost to painful to bear.
She asked if she could knit on pencils. We figured, why not? So we checked. Any guesses what size knitting needles pencils would approximate?

The answer is size 8. OK, we were onto something. What could she knit? Could she drill holes in the pencils and create circulars? Her current project was on size 8’s. Nope, not enough time. Jury duty was in 12 hours. Use 4 pencils and create double points? Find golf pencils? We were grasping at straws. (Not literally, but wait, would straws work?)

The suggestions deteriorated from here. We got into a discussion on using bamboo circulars and sneaking them in under the guise of part of an underwire bra. What about Denise circulars? They are 100% plastic. She was feeling desperate.

The jury is out (I absolutely could not resist this pun) on what Laura will do tomorrow. Either she will bring a book or we will see her on the Channel 12 news as a special report.